Before the pod cast started, I was so confused as to why the title is called Eaarth. Once it is explains that it is to show that the Earth is not the same as it was when it was originally named Earth, I thought that was very clever. I also think it is cool that his home is solar powered. It just proved to me that he is very passionate about this subject. I liked that he pointed out that twenty years ago we never would have thought the Earth would be the way it is today. This fact caught my attention because I always thought people didn't think about the damage being done to our Earth until recently, and it was news to me that people actually did think about this twenty years ago. What's somewhat depressing, is that it took until recently for everyone to begin going "green," when people actually did think about it twenty years ago.
In Island Civilization it talks about how humans are the most dangerous species to Earth, and when McKibben says its unlikely that we can prevent catastrophic events from happening to our Earth because of the damage we have caused to it, it definitely supports the fact from Island Civilization. On another note, I really like the internet section of the podcast. It is so cool and true how he says that when the internet came out people stopped feeling like they need to get out of their little towns to get into the big world. As he said, they can get on the internet and feel like they are a part of something on the other side of the globe.
At this point in the pod cast I am very annoyed with how many times he has said you know and so on. However, it is quite awesome how Mckibben created the largest day of political action on the planet through Skype.
I definitely agree that Obama hasn't focused very much on being more eco-friendly because it would put the economy in a worse place than it is now. That alone just shows how selfish the american population is when it comes to preserving our earth. It is a shame, though.
I also think the section on farming is interesting. McKibben's ideas about needing the big farmers, like the ones in the 50's, are something I haven't heard an environmentalist really talk about too much. I typically hear about going green, reducing air pollution, and all of that. However, it is almost impossible to imagine going away from our industrialized ways. I believe the country as whole would see that as back tracking, no matter how good it would be for Earth. Also, it is shocking to know that less than one percent of America is farming.
McKibben having his family eat only natural foods for a year seems nearly impossible for my family to do! We wouldn't even know how to do it... He put a nasty image in my head when he talks about the cows being on cement and having corn thrown at them.
Overall, part one has been interesting. The repetition of you know is very annoying, you know.